Short Films

Short Film Weekend: 88

This week I bring you yet another entry from the Colchester Film Festival 60 Hour Film Challenge. The film, 88 placed 3rd overall in the competition and focuses on a conversation between two men that takes place at the site of an accident that happened 5 years ago. This film is quite deep… Enjoy.


The most amazing thing about this film was the last line: “Go to Sam. This isn’t a road you want to go down”. The double meaning of this line is amazing, of course, and hints at possible forgiveness, or at least a level of common understanding between two men talking on the side of an empty road.

88 Explores another concept that many of us don’t think of often enough: Don’t leave loved ones on a bad note. You may be upset with someone you love, but make sure that you are on good terms when you part ways, because you never know whether or not it will be the last time you see that person.

Did you enjoy 88 as much as I did? If so, please share this post, and drop a comment below if you have anything else to add to the conversation.

Previous posts featuring films from the Colchester Film Festival 60 Hour Film Challenge include Red Herring and Slow Down.


Editor-in-Chief at BTG Lifestyle. For cinema.