Spoiler-Free Reviews

The internet is full of damn spoilers. Everywhere you turn, some motherless bastard is waiting… just WAITING to spoil your hopes and dreams of deriving the slightest joy from that one film you’ve been waiting for. Or perhaps a film you heard a bit about but you wern’t sure whether it was worth the 100 bucks at the cinema. That’s where the BTG Lifestyle Movie Blog comes in, bringing you some of the latest spoiler-free reviews right here.

Find out what’s good at the cinemas, on DVD or VOD, without the movie being spoiled for you!

I mean, who could ask for more? If you have already seen a film, or perhaps you just hate yourself and want to subject yourself to horrible spoilers, then head over to our full, in-depth film reviews section for a more detailed discussion.

If you’re not in the mood for reading, we’ve also got an awesome monthly film podcast where we talk about an interesting and topical film-related topic.