
Game of Thrones in the Suicide Squad Trailer Style is Brilliant

Two of the most hyped pieces of content in the world this year would have to be Game of Thrones and Suicide Squad. One a TV show, the other a film and although very different, both make fans excited as hell. GoT‘s 6th season just ended, and it didn’t disappoint. It’s just a waiting game to see if Suicide Squad lives up to the hype.

In the meantime, imagine what it would be like if those two things merged into a glorious display of awesomeness? Now, imagine no more. Below you’ll find an epic fan-made trailer that edits together a sort of Game of Thrones recap/ trailer with the score and narrative beats of the Suicide Squad‘s first trailer featuring Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Do enjoy!

I have no words. This is by far one of the most well-edited, and well thought-out trailers I’ve seen. not only does the trailer use excerpts from other Game of Thrones trailers, but from other key moments in the show as well. The piece shifts pace according to the song, similarly to the Suicide Squad trailer, and never seems to miss a beat, showcasing some of the most epic moments from Game of Thrones, and pairing characters in Both GoT and SS quite well (most notably the Ramsay Bolton/ The Joker comparison).

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Thanks to Caryn for poitning this out to me. You can find her work at Fangirlish and The Young Folks.

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