
The Walking Dead Season 5 Trailer


Earlier on in the week we got out first look at season 5 of The Walking Dead with the first poster (above). Today, a brand new 3 and a half minute trailer debuted at Comic-Con 2014 in San Diego.

The trailer is packed with a ton of action, and if it’s anything to go by, season 5 is going to be huge!

My only concern was that the trailer seems to give away a lot of information, including **Spoiler** the fact that the group gets out of the bad situation they were in at the end of season 4, and continue on to Washington D.C. It seems like a number of people from Terminus join them, and tensions are constantly rising as a result.

From the looks of it, the visual effects and make-up teams were hard at work with some innovative zombies (and deaths) showing up in this snippet.

I’m looking forward to this season, but I really hope they bring us something fresh in comparison to previous seasons, or they may run out of reasons to be alive in a zombie apocalypse pretty soon.

The Walking Dead Season 5 will premiere on 12 October 2014.


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About the Author: Stephen is co-founder of BTG lifestyle. Series fanatic, filmmaker, blogger, marketer, and many other things.


Editor-in-Chief at BTG Lifestyle. For cinema.