This is Room of Phonics
Welcome to the first insert of BTG Lifestyle’s Big Talent Gallery, which features the new alternative band Room of Phonics.
I race up the stairs behind Room of Phonics, heart pumping from the copious amounts of Red Bull (and other substances) I had been drinking since 2 pm when I got here.
It’s late now; the moon outside is crystallizing the ambiance, moments after they have just finished their set for the much-anticipated Room of Phonics Official Launch.
“Room of Phonics is ready to rock your face off.”
The door swings open and we take a seat in Ano’s room. The guys chill in a pretty orderly fashion against the wall. The music from downstairs where people are still enjoying the euphoria of an amazing post- ROP set can be heard through the bedroom door. I think to myself “This is going to be epic!”, and away we go!
So who is room of Phonics?
Room of Phonics is an alternative rock band, highly influenced by masters of the Punk Rock genre, Blink-182 as well as other bands like Incubus and Taking Back Sunday, to name but a few.

Design by Gerard Seymour
What started out as just five friends jamming to Blink-182 covers in the comfort of their own homes, ROP has grown into a fully-fledged alternative band looking to take the music industry and world by storm. Passionate, determined and a shit load of fun, Room of Phonics is ready to rock your face off.
Potts Brown, a cool demeanor and epic dreads. The best way to describe his skill as a drummer is that it’s simply, colossal. The dude doesn’t say much, the drumsticks do most of the talking.
With hints of late night partying, sex and alcohol fluttering through each guitar riff and every shudder of the bass drum, this band is not easily boxed into one particular genre.
Bobby Ravells is the highly talented lead guitarist. A weird and interesting guy who’s a lefty, just like Jimi. His combination of skill and creativity is unmatched, and his guitar solos are truly awe- inspiring.
By pulling all of their own and drawing inspiration from a variety of musical influences, writing their own lyrics, music and allowing for spontaneous improvisation, ROP has managed to create a unique sound.
“…hints of late night partying, sex and alcohol fluttering through each guitar riff…”
Ano Delcarme plays rhythm guitar and provides eloquent back-up vocals, often in an impressive soprano voice. He lived in Rustenberg last year, returning to Cape Town in 2013, fully committed to the Room of Phonics cause.
Featuring strong influences from the music that people were brought up on and have always loved, to newer, edgier, grungier sounds, ROP allows for a lot of head banging, fist pumping, hip grinding and sing along moments.
Vorn Poovan, also known as VORN!, and VornStar is Room of Phonics’ lead singer. A stoic presence, and a gentleman’s demeanor best describe his disposition. But when this guy hits the stage, it’s Flame On.
Zepha Newton has big hair. Calm and collected as I know most bass guitarists are, being one myself, he lets his fingers do most of the talking…. On the bass guitar, ladies… geez!
This article is adapted from the original Room of Phonics biography by Nicole Groenmeyer.
How the band got together
Friends since the release of the iconic Red Hot Chili Peppers album Californication, Zepha Newton and Bobby Ravells were struck by fate and introduced to an already guitar playing Ano Delcarme by Ano’s cousin and original drummer for the band.
Bright eyed and bushy tailed, Zepha and Bobby began learning their fundamentals. With the basics laid down, a few drinks and a lot of Blink 182, many bedroom jam sessions were born. These jam sessions became commonplace and eventually became around-the-fire jam sessions, where they discovered that they had a choir boy in their midst: Vorn Poovan.
Now with a voice to fuse with their melodies, the band was hit with the loss of their original drummer. In search of the missing piece to their puzzle, Ano was introduced to and found a kindred spirit in the form of drumstick twirling talent Potts Brown. And the rest is history.
“A decade under the influence = Influenced for a decade. That is Room of Phonics. We are Room of Phonics. You are Room of Phonics. This is Room of Phonics.”
About the author: Stephen is co-founder of BTG Lifestyle, and an aspiring filmmaker who is infatuated with Marketing, and in love with Film.
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