Oscars Predictions 2019: Best Visual Effects
It was a big year for visual effects. Thanos was so real he made half the population thirsty. Virtual reality never looked so real. Space never looked so majestic. Winnie the Pooh never looked more adorable. Here’s who we think will take the Oscar for Best Visual Effects at this year’s Academy Awards.
First Man
Boring and labourious movie, but beautiful to look at.
First Man
Missed out on a lot of nominations but I think it will take this one even though I’d love Ready Player One to take it, my money is on First Man.
Ready Player One
This is a tough one. Bringing the Mad Titan to life in Avengers was truly a remarkable achievement…bearing in mind his face resembles the bottom end of a scrotum and making the audience still believe this purple alien is the world conquering mad man. That being said. Ready Player One is my personal pick. The immense scale of the visual aspect of this movie and the shear giddiness of looking out over the masses on screen to see your favourite video game character…. The visual artists deserve an award for it.
Avengers: Infinity War
Everyone is going to be on my case about this one. I wasn’t a fan of the deceptive marketing tactics behind the 2-parter that is Infinity War and Endgame, but I have to admit that the visual effects in this film is on another level. The caveat is obviously the reshoots where they digitally inserted Mark Ruffalo into the Hulkbuster suit (among other things). But Thanos and his minions look amazing, and so does a all the action. It’s a massive CGI-fest but the blending of real and CGI is truly magnificent.
Christopher Robin
With live action being the new black, I strongly feel Christopher Robin is exemplary of the direction movies are taking in. We’ve been to space, we’ve seen the universe countless times and so forth. Now we’re bringing characters out of books and stories from the past into life. The world we are introduced to in Christopher Robin is outstanding as it excites are our senses. It’s my pick!
Ready Player One
Loved this film. Loved the Chucky!!!
What is your prediction for Best Visual Effects? Let us know in the comments below.
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