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Flashback Friday: When Harry Met Sally… (1989)

First things first, we would like to wish all of our readers a very blessed and happy new year! It’s 2016 and while some are looking forward, for the next few minutes I ask that you take a look back, to 1989, when Rob Reiner gave us a film that explored the age old question: Can men and women just be friends or does sex get in the way? Ladies and gentlemen, this week’s Flashback Friday is When Harry Met Sally…

Now, let me just state that romantic movies are not necessarily my cup of tea, even if it is a romantic comedy. But there are a few films that really make me sit up and enjoy it every aspect of it and this is one such film.

It has cynicism about love and life, a couple who love to hate to love to hate each other and shows how despite what they thought life would turn out, they were going to end up eventually.


When it comes to romantic comedies, there are very few films better than this.

The script is absolutely incredible and includes some of the most quotable lines you’ll ever come across. What this movie does really well, is that instead of two friends at a coffee shop talking about the one’s depressing love life, it will have that same conversation take place at a football game and although the conversation is about his divorce, they still take part in the Mexican wave.

Or they’ll have them do silly accents to show them goofing around, but still move the narrative forward.

But the best script would mean nothing if not for the chemistry between the main actors and this has chemistry is spades. Meg Ryan, before she started hanging out with Tom Hanks in the 90’s, paired up with Billy Crystal and the dynamic between them is undeniable.

Both actors are likeable, sure, but it is how well they bounce off each other on screen that really sells the story that these two people are friends, but maybe there is something more. Of course they hate each other at the beginning, but that just makes the slow romance and eventual happily ever after even more powerful.


This is a cute, yet hilarious romantic comedy that will make you feel and laugh and really want to fake an orgasm really loudly in a packed restaurant. Or maybe that’s just me.

Easily one of the best romantic comedies you will ever see. Great chemistry and amazing dialogue. You won’t go wrong this Flashback Friday.

Rating: 10/10

Favourite scene: I‘ll have what she’s having.

Favourite line:

Harry Burns: “It is so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk”.

For those of you who have not seen this Flashback Friday, here is the trailer:

Dean Ravell

Writer/director. Fascinated with all kinds of film and just wants to be part of the wonderful world of cinema.