
Finding Dory trailer is here!

Here it is. The trailer for the movie you’ve literally waited over a decade for. The movie you’ll be shoving kids out of the way to go see. What do they even know about Pixar? Nothing. They know nothing. Stupid kids.

I’m sorry. That was mean. I’ll stop being a Mr. Grumpy Gills. Let’s all calm down and watch the trailer below. Cool?

Ok so let’s just agree that after 12 years we needed some underwater Pixar adventure. We heard murmurs of their being a sequel after years of it being hinted at by Ellen DeGeneres herself, but now we have something to keep us going until June next year.

Dory was one of the standout characters in Finding Nemo, providing comic relief in an otherwise deep and emotional movie. And in this one we still have Dory being her ditsy and forgetful self, but there seems to be a big adventure taking place with her searching for her family who she kind of remembers but doesn’t really remember.

You know what I mean?

What are your thoughts on this trailer? Are you amped for Finding Dory next year?

Until then I guess we have to just keep swimming.



Dean Ravell

Writer/director. Fascinated with all kinds of film and just wants to be part of the wonderful world of cinema.