Short Film Weekend: Red Herring
Last year I entered a short film competition called the Colchester 60 Hour Film Challenge. My team was way less prepared than the film I’ve featuring here today, so I won’t be sharing my own entry with you. The film for today’s Short Film Weekend won second place in the competition overall, and watching it you can tell why…
Red Herring is amazingly shot, and tells a really heart-wrenching story about domestic abuse. I remember being in complete awe the first time I saw it, and without being too biased (because this is a South African film), I think it should have taken first place, as the film that won didn’t compare to this at all!
After the festival I never heard much about this short, which was disappointing. Crave Pictures is the production company behind this beautiful short film.
About the Author: Stephen is a film critic, and aspiring filmmaker currently working on his first film project, #BreatheEasy2016. Follow him on Twitter @thesnagel for more film musings.